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Noire de Bucureşti- photo by Vlaicu Golcea

Vlaicu Golcea – “Noire de Bucureşti” – 2013

download Vlaicu Golcea - Noire de Bucuresti - 2013 (2252 downloads)

01. Noire de Bucureşti – feat. Rudy Teianu
Rudy Teianu – voce (voice)
compus de (composed by) Vlaicu Golcea ©2013

02. Mai vreau să-ţi zic ceva
compus de (composed by) Vlaicu Golcea ©2013
mixat de (mixed by) Uţu Pascu

03. Kebab Mioriţa – feat. Marta Hristea
Marta Hristea – voce (voice)
compus de (composed by) Vlaicu Golcea ©2013

04. De azi pe mâine
compus de (composed by) Vlaicu Golcea ©2013

05. Klor – feat. Tavi Scurtu
Tavi Scurtu – aranjament ritmic (drum programming)
compus de (composed by) Vlaicu Golcea & Tavi Scurtu ©2013

06. Aşa da – feat. Daniel Ivaşcu
Daniel Ivaşcu – percuţii (percussions)
compus de (composed by) Vlaicu Golcea ©2013

07. Kan-pos
compus de (composed by) Vlaicu Golcea ©2013

08. Lulu
compus de (composed by) Vlaicu Golcea ©2013

09. Ce am azi de făcut
compus de (composed by) Vlaicu Golcea ©2013
mixat de (mixed by) Uţu Pascu

10. Totul
compus de (composed by) Vlaicu Golcea ©2013

11. Păcatele mele – feat. Tavi Scurtu
Tavi Scurtu – baterie (drums)
compus de (composed by) Vlaicu Golcea & Tavi Scurtu ©2013

12. Am crezut altceva
compus de (composed by) Vlaicu Golcea ©2013

13. Cu ochii închişi
compus de (composed by) Vlaicu Golcea ©2013

14. Poate că e mai bine aşa
compus de (composed by) Vlaicu Golcea ©2013

Masterizare audio de Uţu Pascu
Produs de Vlaicu Golcea – 2013
Toate drepturile rezervate. Exclusiv pentru auditie sau difuzare audio. ©2013 Vlaicu Golcea
Toate piesele sunt protejate UCMR-ADA, Romania

Audio mastering by Uţu Pascu
Produced by Vlaicu Golcea – 2013
All rights reserved. Only for listening or broadcasting. ©2013 Vlaicu Golcea
All tracks protected by UCMR-ADA, Romania

download album artwork (big 1200x1200) (1019 downloads)

Aievea - Cinema (2009)

Aievea – Cinema (2009)

download Aivea - Cinema (2009) (713 downloads)  (right click -> save as..)

©2009 Aievea. All rights reserved.
All tracks protected by UCMR-ADA, Romania

more info at

1. Joy of Life – (music by Electric Brother & Marta Hristea)
Marta Hristea – voice & vocal arrangement
Tavi Scurtu – live drum programming
Vlaicu Golcea – keyboards
Electric Brother – guitar & all other instruments
Mixed by Uţu Pascu, Produced by Electric Brother & Uţu Pascu

2. Slowly – (music by Vlaicu Golcea & Marta Hristea, lyrics by Marta Hristea)
Marta Hristea – voice & vocal arrangement
Electric Brother – oud
Tavi Scurtu – drum programming
Vlaicu Golcea – all other instruments
Mixed by Uţu Pascu, Produced by Vlaicu Golcea & Uţu Pascu

3. Papillon – (music by Electric Brother & Marta Hristea, lyrics by Marta Hristea)
Marta Hristea – voice & vocal arrangement
Vlaicu Golcea – keyboards
Dorit Chrysler – theremin
Electric Brother – all other instruments
Mixed by Uţu Pascu, Produced by Electric Brother

4. Am uitat – (music by Vlaicu Golcea & Marta Hristea, lyrics by Marta Hristea)
Marta Hristea – voice & vocal arrangement
Electric Brother – guitar
Tavi Scurtu – live drum programming
Vlaicu Golcea – upright bass & all other instruments
Mixed by Uţu Pascu, Produced by Vlaicu Golcea & Uţu Pascu

5. Traces – (music & lyrics by Vlaicu Golcea)
Electric Brother – voice
Vlaicu Golcea – all other instruments
Mixed by Uţu Pascu, Produced by Vlaicu Golcea

6. Crazy – (music by Vlaicu Golcea & Marta Hristea, lyrics by Marta Hristea)
Marta Hristea – voice & vocal arrangement
Electric Brother – guitar
Tavi Scurtu – live drum programming
Vlaicu Golcea – upright bass & all other instruments
Mixed by Uţu Pascu, Produced by Vlaicu Golcea & Uţu Pascu

7. Cinema – (music by Electric Brother & Marta Hristea, lyrics by Marta Hristea)
Marta Hristea – voice & vocal arrangement
Electric Brother – guitar, balafon & all other instruments
Mixed by Uţu Pascu, Produced by Electric Brother

8. Red – (music by Vlaicu Golcea & Marta Hristea, lyrics by Marta Hristea)
Marta Hristea – voice & vocal arrangement
Tavi Scurtu – drum programming & percussion
Uţu Pascu – electric bass
Vlaicu Golcea – all other instruments
Mixed by Uţu Pascu, Produced by Vlaicu Golcea & Uţu Pascu

9. Ada Kaleh – (music by Eli Roman)
Marta Hristea – voice
Tavi Scurtu – live drum programming
Vlaicu Golcea – clavinet
Electric Brother – guitar, arrangements & all other instruments
Mixed by Uţu Pascu, Produced by Electric Brother & Uţu Pascu

10. Azi – (music by Vlaicu Golcea & Marta Hristea, lyrics by Marta Hristea)
Marta Hristea – voice & vocal arrangement
Electric Brother – guitar
Tavi Scurtu – live drum programming
Vlaicu Golcea – all other instruments
Mixed by Uţu Pascu, Produced by Vlaicu Golcea & Uţu Pascu

11. Light – (music & lyrics by Vlaicu Golcea)
Marta Hristea – voice
Tavi Scurtu – live drum programming
Electric Brother – guitar
Vlaicu Golcea – all other instruments
Mixed by Uţu Pascu, Produced by Vlaicu Golcea & Utu Pascu

12. It Happened Last – (music by Marta Hristea & Vlaicu Golcea, lyrics by Marta Hristea)
Marta Hristea – voice
Vlaicu Golcea – electric piano, synth
Mixed by Utu Pascu, Produced by Vlaicu Golcea

13. Turn Back Time – (music by Marta Hristea, Electric Brother, Vlaicu Golcea & Tavi Scurtu, lyrics by Marta Hristea)
Marta Hristea – voice
Tavi Scurtu – live drum programming
Uţu Pascu – electric bass
Electric Brother – guitar
Vlaicu Golcea – all other instruments
Mixed by Uţu Pascu, Produced by Vlaicu Golcea & Uţu Pascu

Artwork by Alexe Popescu
Mastered by Dan Griober

Following the success of their debut album “Scared of jazz”, Aievea took a long time writing and producing their second LP entitled “Cinema”. True to their vision and production concepts Aievea managed to do everything on their own. No record label was harmed in the making of this album.
Made almost entirely via the internet, “Cinema” was written in Bucharest, arranged in Rotterdam, recorded and mixed in Timisoara and then mastered in Bucharest. The songs have all been crafted on the road and tested on crowds around Europe.
Thirteen songs of masterful songwriting, exquisite beats and fabulous lyrics make this album an interesting, sometimes hypnotizing listening experience.
“Cinema” is not free! It is a gift for likeminded people. Since everyone is copying music from wherever possible, Aievea decided to offer this album as a gift to everyone who comes with a USB memory stick to their concerts. “We don´t make music for a profit. What we want to do is shake hands with the people that copy our music, get to know each other and let them know we are ok with it. We are trying to make you slow down a little, think about things that you don’t normally think about. There are traces of everything we like on this album”.
Aievea – 2009


Vlaicu Golcea & Marta Hristea – Lină (music for 1001 poems) (2007)

download Vlaicu Golcea & Marta Hristea - Lina (Music For 1001 Poems) - 2007 (722 downloads) (right click -> save as..)

©2007 Vlaicu Golcea & Marta Hristea. All rights reserved.
All tracks protected by UCMR-ADA, Romania

1. Lină (dedicated to Piţi) – 7.52
2. España – with Horia Barna – 2.07
3. Endless Story – 1.50
4. 5 a.m. – 3.41
5. November feat. Alex Harding – 13.04
6. Dusk – 4.06
7. Corindeni (dedicated to Doru Ionescu) – 11.34
8. The Lake (inspired by Petr Lebl’s Poem) – 7.07
9. For an Unknown Lover – 11.13

BONUS TRACK – “For An Unknown Lover” REMIX – 2012
Vlaicu Golcea, Marta Hristea & Tavi Scurtu - For An Unknown Lover (887 downloads) (right click -> save as..)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Marta Hristea (voice), Tavi Scurtu (drum programming), Stefania Budd (cello)
composed & produced by ©2012 Vlaicu Golcea. All rights reserved.

© ℗ 2007 Vlaicu Golcea – originally licensed to Green Records Bucharest, Romania
All rights reserved.

download original CD booklet (618 downloads)

Vlaicu Golcea (electronics), Marta Hristea (vocal), Oana Mariş (oboe), Daniel Ivaşcu (percussions), Alex Harding (bass clarinet on “November”), Ştefania Amarinei (cello), Raul Kusak (keyboards on “Endless Story”)

photos by Cornel Lazia, booklet design by Daniel Ivaşcu

“Sounds that call up images and words. Music made for poetry, not poetry on music. Music that brings you in a poetic mindset, music that stirs in the listener a state of grace, a state which is not part of the daily grind.
For me, music means image, and also a kind of specially-owned time, an excursion to a time-line that belongs to me and which could be shared with difficulty. I do believe that this album “sounds” the best when it is listened to by one person  similar to reading a poem  because the music on this CD has a great degree of intimacy.
In my mind, this album could not exist without Marta’s voice  whose musical empathy I have enjoyed for many years. I believe that voice is, beyond any timbral combinations, the sound which makes people react organically. Marta’s voice and the way in which she sings open new emotional areas for each piece, areas which are little explored by regular vocal music. Lină, the opening track, is in my opinion both Romanian and universal. Marta sings in a “language” inspired by old Romanian, invented by herself. España was recorded in Madrid, at midnight, precisely at the closing time of a local restaurant where we happened to be. While Horia Barna, the director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Madrid recites the poem, you can hear the restaurant’s owners saying good-bye to their last clients while cleaning up the place; the track closes with a very poetic “a mañana”. Endless Story features on piano the most expressive musician of our generation, Raul Kusak, who is a complete musician. While Raul and I were recording a piece meant to be a lullaby, Marta told us she wanted to be in as well. Ten minutes after, she was recording the voice you can hear on the disc – actually the only take she did – which preserves the miracle of Marta’s inspiration and creativity. 5 A.M. is a collage of sound-images, samples of the poems presented in the “1001 Poems. Diversity in European Poetry”. All voices come from people of my acquaintance, each having a direct connection with the poem they recite. In November you can listen to Alex Harding on bass clarinet. While we were recording this material, Alex was in Bucharest touring with his band from the US, and I asked him whether he would like to record a piece with us. The track, on which Marta sings extraordinarily, suited him perfectly, becoming the place where Alex probably felt “like home”: his instrument became a second voice, continuing Marta’s story. Dusk enjoys the presence of my good friends Oana Mariş and Daniel Ivaşcu, with whom I perform these days, establishing together the Bucharest AV group. Corindeni is a piece that contains two old Romanian songs. In the introduction you can hear the cello played by Ştefania Amarinei and Oana’s oboe; the last part of the piece is sustained by Dan’s percussions and shakers. The last two tracks are special, being a sound capture from the launch concert of the “1001 Poems. Diversity in European Poetry” which took place over two consecutive evenings at Green Hours, at number 120, Calea Victoriei. It seemed important to me to have these two “images” of the concerts alongside the studio tracks. The first of these images, The Lake is inspired by the untitled poem of Petr Lebl, the Czech poet, which I fell in love with instantly. For an Unknown Lover is a declaration of love, a declaration for a loved one, be that person known or as yet unknown.
The greatest reward for us would be that the music of this CD, together with the poems accompanying it, to move you to such a degree that you would consider re-visiting. My personal thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this disc, from those whose names you can see on the CD’s jacket, to those who have inspired this world of sound. I hope that you will also enjoy the photos made by Cornel Lazia, who was also involved as a performing artist in our concerts.”
Vlaicu Golcea – 2007

Non Entropy

East Village – Non Entropy (2002)

download East Village - Non Entropy (2002) (714 downloads) (right click -> save as..)

©2002 East Village (Marta Hristea, Sorin Romanescu & Vlaicu Golcea). All rights reserved. Originally licensed to Green Records Bucharest, Romania

Except the lyrics all the material from this recording was instantly composed during the recording sessions in Green Hours Jazz Club Bucuresti, July 2002

All tracks are composed by East Village (Marta Hristea, Sorin Romanescu & Vlaicu Golcea)
All tracks protected by UCMR-ADA, Romania

1. Mama’s Blues – 4.52
2. Perfect Time – 4.22
3. Under a Cristal Bell – 8.03
4. I Will Remember – 4.14
5. When Memories Of You… – 4.58
6. Non Entropy – 3.03
7. Temporary Lovers – 6.38
8. After The Love Is Gone – 5.10

East Village:
Marta Hristea – voice
Sorin Romanescu – guitar
Vlaicu Golcea – double bass

recorded, mixed and mastered by Sorin Romanescu
produced by Sorin Romanescu & Vlaicu Golcea
graphics by Rodica Golcea & Sorin Romanescu